Land of 6 Arpents including a lucrative business.
Ebene - Rs 325.000.000 Reference: IML-1072
A 6-acre plot of land, very well located in the center of the island and easily accessible from the M1 road, includes a very profitable and long-lasting business.

In addition to the business, 5.64 arpents are available for development.

Land available for all residential or commercial properties.


Citya Iliad Immobilier

Citya Iliad Immobilier
Route Royal
Pointe aux Canonniers

Phone: (230) 263 14 49

Salesman : Isabelle Dantier Phone 263 1449
Main information:
Region: Ebene
Shower room(s):
Usable area: m²
Living space: m²
Land: 24281 m²
Financial information:
Price: Rs 325.000.000
Detailed information
General Features:
  • Close to school
  • Close to hospital
  • Close to shops

Citya Iliad Immobilier

Route Royal - Pointe aux Canonniers